I’m starting to see more and more women walking around the office, stores, bars, restaurants, even the beach, with keys like this around their ankle or necklace. I give them a knowing grin as my own key dangles between my cleavage. Sometimes they are alone quietly enjoying themselves. Other times with friends, but more frequently then not they have their husband or boyfriend in tow. He’s usually walking a step behind her, listening to her, being attentive, carrying her bags, etc.. All the things you’ve read when you read about the benefits of male chastity. An astute observer will recognize the dynamic in play as more and more women are discovering the benefits of male chastity. You can see through her body language and her expressions that she exudes confidence and power. The experience for him is likely very humbling and degrading, but this is all part of learning his role and thriving in a Female Led Relationship.
I always wonder how many people understand the meaning and symbolism of the chastity key on display? How many others get it? While male chastity is rapidly growing in acceptance it is not yet mainstream. I believe male chastity to be the cornerstone of a Female Led Relationship. Through the power of the internet, social media, and various forums dedicated to this trending lifestyle, the practice of chastising males has grown exponentially in the last decade, as more and more women embrace matriarchy and enjoy the benefits of leading their men. There is no reason to think the growth of FLR’s won’t continue to spread and in the very new future, male chastity and the FLR’s will be the new normal of the “Modern Marriage”
With all that said, I encourage all women to research the benefits and strongly consider locking his cock and enjoying the harmony that accompany a Female Led Relationship. If you’ve already taken this step, wear the key to his cock proudly and confidently. Being a keyholder is a wonderful thing and others should know of the benefits it could provide them. Show off his obedience to your friends or other women you interact with on a daily basis. If is up to those of us that “get it” to promote this growing lifestyle.
Please comment and interact with me at twitter.com/MsFLRcoach.
Image credit: merrylander.tumblr.com