You lie in bed and contemplate your sex life. You have always been pretty… average. You begin to wonder what it’d be like to be an animal in bed… to really know how to fuck a woman. To have unlimited stamina.
You wish you had a more experienced woman to sleep with, a woman who could train your cock…
That’s when you meet Theresa. She is an older woman, somewhere in her 40’s. She’s still very attractive, but you can tell that she was a bombshell in her younger years. She takes a liking to you, and she promises to show you all her moves in the bedroom.
“Alright young man.” Theresa says one night. “I’m going to train that cock of yours.”
Your wish is coming true.
The way Theresa jerks your cock is second to none. She expertly grips your shaft and milks you of all your cum. You last a good 10 minutes before you are erupting.
“Wow, you lasted long for a young man like yourself!” Theresa says. “You still have work to do.”
Every night from that day forward, Theresa milks your cock with her hands, each night more masterfully than the last. It feels incredible. You plead to fuck her but she denies you.
“I’ll fuck you only once your cock is fully trained.” She grins naughtily.
The next day, she milks you once again to the point of spurting.
“Only 6 minutes this time, huh?” Theresa giggles. “You’ll have to work harder if you want to fuck me!”
You accept her proposition, confident that you’ll be able to fuck so much better once Theresa is done with you. The next night, she milks you again, and you cum in just 3 minutes this time. It’s as if it feels better and better each time!
You can tell Theresa enjoys milking you. Training you. You can’t wait to see what’s in store.
The next night your cock is already rock hard in anticipation for your training.
Theresa oils up her hands and grabs hold of your cock. She strokes you so perfectly, and you feel your climax building instantly. You can’t seem to hold it anymore. Before you know it, you’re exploding all over.
“Wow!” Theresa laughs “under a minute this time. Finally!!” She cackles. “You’re such a good boy.”
You recover from your orgasm and wonder why your stamina seems to be getting worse… not better. It feels so amazing though, you can’t help it!
Tomorrow arrives and you prepare for your session with Theresa. You focus this time, telling yourself that you’ll last longer. That’s why she was training you after all, wasn’t it?
She strips down your pants and your cock is at full mast. Lying down, she gets a top you and starts stroking, and counting each stroke.
“1… 2… 3…” she teases. With the first few strokes you already feel your balls churning. It’s no use.
“Wow honey!” Theresa laughs “12 strokes! That’s a new record!”
You can’t believe it. You literally blew your load in seconds. That felt so fucking good though!
The next day, Theresa is in bed waiting for you.
“Today we’re going to try something different” she says. “Lie down and take off your clothes.”
You follow her instructions, revealing your throbbing hard-on.
She places her hand around the base of your shaft and grips you tightly. Your cock throbs.
“No stroking this time.” She teases, staring at you lustfully.
No stroking at all? You can’t believe it. You feel your cock pulsate under her grip, without the slightest movement. Her touch is enough to excite you. Your balls churn… and you feel the point of no return.
“Good boy!” Theresa giggles as you erupt rope after rope of cum. “Your training is almost complete!”
The next day she tortures you further. This time, she doesn’t even touch your cock. She simply presses her hand into the base of your groin. You feel your erection reach full capacity… throbbing… and within seconds, your balls empty themselves.
“Good boy.” Theresa giggles. “Now you’re ready to have sex with me.”
The next morning, Theresa wakes you up and climbs on top of you instantly. Your cock is already hard from your morning wood. You feel it start to throb already.
You’re a bit worried though… was the training working? Either way, you are so excited to fuck Theresa, and your balls are already starting to tighten.
She mounts you, then reaches below her to guide your cock into her pussy, but it’s already too late…
“What?!” Theresa exclaims with shock. “I didn’t even fucking get it in yet!” She cackles. Your cock spurts and spurts cum as you have another mind-blowing orgasm.
“Oh my god!“ She gasps. “You’re a premature ejaculator!”
You recover from your climax and are confused. Wasn’t Theresa training you?
“You’re absolutely useless.” She dresses herself and leaves. You try calling her later that day, but she doesn’t pick up.
Although you never see Theresa again, she would prove to have a huge impact on your life.
That night, while trying to call Theresa for the third time, you remember the events from this morning. Your training had been going well, at least you thought? You feel your cock swelling at the thought of this morning. You take off your pants.
You reach down to grab your cock in your underwear and feel your hard-on. You’re getting erect just thinking about this morning. And that’s not all… you feel your balls start to retract.
Before you can react, you feel your cock spurt cum through your fresh underpants. Your orgasm feels incredible, despite not even stroking your hard cock. You had cum just from the tight feeling of your underpants, and from thinking about cumming early…
The idea of cumming quickly… is now a turn-on.
The next day you invite an old flame over for sex, to bring things back “to normal”. And maybe see if you’d learned anything from Theresa.
Throughout foreplay, your cock feels much more sensitive than normal. In fact, it feels like you can’t control it anymore…
You lie on your back as your ex rubs your body, bringing her hand closer to your groin. You feel her press the area around your penis, just like Theresa did. And then it’s over.
Without even touching your cock, you dribble your load all over yourself. She looks at you disappointed. She lies down beside you and you fall asleep together determined to try again in the morning.
The next morning, you awake to your ex crawling on top of you. Your cock begins to get hard once again. Hopefully your quick release yesterday will help you out this morning.
However, as she pulls down your pants, you realize that is not the case. You feel your balls start to churn already. Your cock twitches…
This time, before she has touched your body at all, your cock spills its cum.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? I didn’t even touch you yet.” She says, disgusted. “I’m leaving.”
You lie in bed and contemplate what just happened. Theresa didn’t help your stamina at all, she did the exact opposite. You are now a hair trigger premature ejaculator.
The worst part? It feels amazing. Your mind is filled with thoughts of cumming instantly, spurting your load without being touched, being humiliated, and having a completely useless cock. You feel your balls tighten again.
One she locks you up, you can’t go back. Male chastity is becoming the new normal and one a woman has experienced the results for herself, she will never stop desiring that control and obedience that she has gotten from you. This is permanent.
For any male who thinks that they will be prepared for what happens when they consent to entering into a chastity agreement with their Goddess or partner, think again. Nothing you will do, have done, will think or imagine can prepare you for what will unfold.
So am i saying to steer clear of that momentous decision? Absolutely not!
The moment your Mistress takes ownership of your cock is exciting
but nothing like the onset of the deeper feeling of being owned and
denied by The Woman who chose to be your Owner with your consent. If
you haven’t already looked upon Her as your Goddess you will rapidly
do so by some irresistible force that binds you to Her.
You will very quickly want to do everything in your power to
please Her and will go to extraordinary lengths to do so. Very soon
you will worship the ground she walks on and hanker for every titbit
of attention and affection that She will deign to throw your way.
Just remember that whilst your Lady may appreciate this outpouring of
adoration She must be allowed space to breathe and to choose when you
are part of Her intentions. This is the lot of the male in chastity.
You are in this cage for a reason. It is the physical stamp that
signifies that your sexual wants and needs have become secondary, nay
inconsequential, so get used to it. The needs of the submissive male
are outweighed by the greater power of the Female Authority who now
demands and deserves all the pleasure, fulfillment, orgasms or
anything else She desires. Eventually the chaste male will begin to
realize that Her pleasure is your pleasure and therefore when given
selflessly your efforts to please Her have their own reward.
You will find as The Lady On Top grows in confidence She will
surprise you with Her demeanour and Her inventiveness though as She
is now driving this relationship your place is to now follow and
serve, not direct, so embrace your journey whatever it may bring. You
will discover parts of your body and mind you never believed possible
as together you tap this rich vein of life. In your chaste state one
of your driving goals will become not to disappoint The Lady and all
you have achieved under Her guidance.
When you do fail in any way you must be prepared to go through
torture and pain as penance; in fact you will crave it to prove your
worthiness as you will for any touch or caress, whip, cane and paddle
strike, rejoicing when you have colouring or marks to display proving
your worth. At the very least each punishment will likely fit the
crime so you should endure these with a view to making you a better
In the same way your humiliation and embarrassment will
reinforce your inferior status in your mind and make the transition
to Owned property more complete. Any degradation you suffer at the
hands of the Higher Female Power before you will give you such a
thrill just to be in her presence.
Remember there is no greater calling than to be able to serve The
Goddess of your dreams, so given the chance take it with both hands
gladly behind your back.
it is the way things are supposed to be! Absolutely!
There is no more effective way to train men than through their cocks/orgasms…
Yeah, yeah…there will always be exceptions. But seriously…this is it. Men are incredibly easy to train if you understand what drives them.
Some women and men are of the opinion that keeping a male sub in constant, long (or very long) term chastity is the most effective way to train. I completely disagree. The reason for this is simple: if a man knows his cock will never be allowed to come, then the orgasm ceases to become a motivation, or a carrot, if you will…
So here is what I do. I use the cock/orgasm to reprogram and condition my slave. So what follows involves using chastity as a training device rather than as a punishment or way of life. Basic steps look something like this:
1. The chastity device.
There are many versions out there, but for this to work, this needs to be a device that is secure and lock-able. I must have the key. I have the power over his cock and he cannot escape. This is an enormously powerful and symbolic message.
2. Putting it on.
Eventually, wearing the chastity device will become second nature – but you must set the example, set the stage, the first few times that you put the cage on. The manner and words and attitude that you adopt when you put this on him for the first time will stay with him as he wears it, and going forward, how he feels about wearing it. The first few times I make sure that he knows how meaningful this is…that I am purposefully choosing to take control of his body, that I am taking his cock, his symbol of masculinity, away from him. Owning it. Controlling it. Mine. For as long as I wish. I make him beg me to put it on. I make him watch as I lock it. I make him thank me for doing it.
3. The Rules.
Now, I have him. He’s mine. Seriously. What will a man not do to have his cock, his pleasure? Both are now mine to command. It is best to have thought this out very carefully before locking him in. Chastity training is very powerful and making mistakes here isn’t desirable.
For the best results, these three components are essential:
Begin with (potentially) brief and clear-cut stints in chastity
Make the things he must do to get out of chastity and/or earn his orgasm very straightforward and obtainable
Keep your promises
If you want chastity to be an effective tool, he must see that his behavior is directly tied to his release. At first, the cause/effect correlation must be very clear. Most importantly, you must keep your word. If you say that he will be allowed release from chastity after he has made you breakfast in bed five days in a row, then you must keep your promise. There are lots of memes out there depicting women changing their mind about allowing their men out of chastity. For initial training purposes, this is an absolutely horrible idea. If your sub loses faith in the cause and effect nature of chastity, he will ultimately cease to trust that his behavior will have any impact on his release – thus lessening the power of your ‘threats’.
Now, once his brain has become re-wired and he realizes that he must behave…your timelines can become longer, the tasks more complicated, and you can occasionally change the rules. But I repeat – this should only be done after you have effectively broken him and trained him.
The benefits of male chastity
My rules tend to force him to focus on my pleasure – to force his brain to begin associating my pleasure as a prerequisite to his. Example: He must give me a certain amount orgasms before he is released. Now, I don’t need chastity to have him do this. First, he’s happy to lick my pussy at any time. Second, I could just tell him to lick my pussy at any time. So… why connect this to chastity? Because this is more than him deciding, or me giving an order. This is my choice to literally re-wire his brain to associate my orgasms to his own pleasure. And I don’t keep what I’m doing a secret. I want him to know what I am doing. I want him to know that his body is just the tool I’m using to control his mind. Of course, I add other things on as well, but my pleasure should always come first.
4. The Reward.
Any time the chastity device is taken off, it should be clear that it is a kindness that you are bestowing upon him. Before it is taken off, the rules of his behavior should be crystal clear to him. Is he allowed to have a full orgasm immediately, or at a certain time? For the most effective training, I recommend that immediately following his release, you arrange for an incredibly powerful, satisfying orgasm. One that YOU take part in– either directly, or indirectly. This intense pleasure will reinforce how desirable it is to be out of chastity, and how hard he should be willing to do whatever it takes to earn his freedom from it.
Later, once he has been conditioned and well trained, he will be grateful for a ruined orgasm…for being allowed to touch his cock at all. But for initial training, the orgasm should follow as soon after release as possible. Again, this is quite literally re-wiring his brain to associate you and your control of him with pleasure.
Important Tips
If you keep your sub in long term (longer than a month at a time) chastity, it is important for his health that you milk his prostate monthly. This can have the added bonus of highlighting your absolute control over his body.
Be sure that you understand how to properly fit and install a chastity device. An improper fit can cause un-fun pinching or cause un-fun bruising or blood flow problems.
If you intend to keep your sub in chastity for longer than a day, make sure that you are using a device that will allow for air, and proper hygiene.
Mother nature designed cum for proliferation. Modern women know about and are going to restrict ejaculation to that purposes. Ejaculation for male pleasure must be baned and strictly prevented. The enforcement of this ban falls to the responsible women (e.g. wife). Therefore his wedding ring is often replaced by a chastity device to
stress her ownership and to make sure he cannot abuse her property.
To verify and keep up a male’s fertility the wife should consider to drain his balls on a regular basis (e.g. quarterly). This should be performed by prostate
milking without granting an orgasm and can be conducted manually at home
or at professional cum harvester and cum disposal stations. Draining
the balls of a married and for chastity locked male is only permitted
with their wife’s explicit consent. No man that is kept chaste by his
wife has the right to demand draining his balls.
The matriarchal society is build on the fundamental policy: “Women don’t owe a man anything”.
In case of intended pregnancy degrading situations of Females can be prevented by refusing intercourse (Penis In Vagina, PIV). Proliferation can be
performed by in vitro fertilization. This ensures the dignity of supreme
females and enables them to use available medical capabilities for a
healthy child of the desired gender.