For any male who thinks that they will be prepared for what happens when they consent to entering into a chastity agreement with their Goddess or partner, think again. Nothing you will do, have done, will think or imagine can prepare you for what will unfold.
So am I saying to steer clear of that momentous decision? Absolutely not!

The moment your Mistress takes ownership of your cock is exciting but nothing like the onset of the deeper feeling of being owned and denied by The Woman who chose to be your Owner with your consent. If you haven’t already looked upon Her as your Goddess you will rapidly do so by some irresistible force that binds you to Her.
You will very quickly want to do everything in your power to please Her and will go to extraordinary lengths to do so. Very soon you will worship the ground she walks on and hanker for every titbit of attention and affection that She will deign to throw your way. Just remember that whilst your Lady may appreciate this outpouring of adoration She must be allowed space to breathe and to choose when you are part of Her intentions. This is the lot of the male in chastity.
You are in this cage for a reason. It is the physical stamp that signifies that your sexual wants and needs have become secondary, nay inconsequential, so get used to it. The needs of the submissive male are outweighed by the greater power of the Female Authority who now demands and deserves all the pleasure, fulfillment, orgasms or anything else She desires. Eventually the chaste male will begin to realize that Her pleasure is your pleasure and therefore when given selflessly your efforts to please Her have their own reward.You will find as The Lady On Top grows in confidence She will surprise you with Her demeanor and Her inventiveness though as She is now driving this relationship your place is to now follow and serve, not direct, so embrace your journey whatever it may bring. You will discover parts of your body and mind you never believed possible as together you tap this rich vein of life. In your chaste state one of your driving goals will become not to disappoint The Lady and all you have achieved under Her guidance.
When you do fail in any way you must be prepared to go through torture and pain as penance; in fact you will crave it to prove your worthiness as you will for any touch or caress, whip, cane and paddle strike, rejoicing when you have colouring or marks to display proving your worth. At the very least each punishment will likely fit the crime so you should endure these with a view to making you a better submissive.
In the same way your humiliation and embarrassment will reinforce your inferior status in your mind and make the transition to Owned property more complete. Any degradation you suffer at the hands of the Higher Female Power before you will give you such a thrill just to be in her presence.
Remember there is no greater calling than to be able to serve The Goddess of your dreams, so given the chance take it with both hands gladly behind your back.