After all of this it’s vital to continue reinforcing that white women should only fuck black men, and that they should do so with the singular goal of bearing as many black babies as possible. Cuckoldry is mainstream now, and women are openly bragging about being black only, they are proud to display their QOS tattoo’s and are overtly sexual without any guilt or remorse.
White women are openly advertising their sexual availability to black men, and making it clear that interracial relationships, open cuckoldry, and cheating with black men is perfectly normal. These women are thrilled if they are being pumped so full of African seed that their first pregnancy with a black baby is guaranteed. Just consider how popular it has become for the black men to explode deep in their costars receptive womb.
White men have been totally emasculated, they have been feminized, and totally neutered socially and sexually so completely that if you have not introduced chastity into your relationship then you should, because white boys have been conditioned to desire it in the same way white women have been taught to pursue interracial breeding.

These weakened white male genes will be eliminated completely because white women will always side with their nations conqueror and have never had any biological tribal loyalty like all the other races do so within a few generations white women will have ensured their own genocide.