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Modern Female Superiority
by IncardineArt
Pegging has recently become an integral part of my D/s relationship. As a male sub in 24/7 chastity, it was offered to me by my wife as an alternative source of pleasure since I was only permitted orgasms every 4-6 months. Initially I resisted the idea of being penetrated anally by her for fear that it would be uncomfortable and politely declined her offer. I quickly realized that she wasn’t giving me an option. She said to me in a very stern voice ‘getting the strap-on is not an option…it’s a requirement of this relationship.“ She made it clear to me that she planned to make it a very normal part of our sexual dynamic and assured me that I would quickly get used to it and that I would ultimately learn to love it.
After some further discussion, I learned that she viewed the combination of chastity with pegging as the ultimate form of submission. She saw it as a way to further enhance our overall relationship by further exploring and exploiting my level of submissiveness. She set an initial schedule of twice weekly using a 6” dildo. After just a few weeks, there were some very notable changes that had taken place.
Full time chastity had in a way forced me into a state of submission, but Pegging allowed my submissive nature to blossom fully. What was left of my selfish, argumentative ways has all but dissipated. I’ve become much more cooperative and attentive to my wife’s needs, and am even less concerned with my own orgasms than before. My erogenous zone has shifted from the head of my penis to my anal opening and prostate gland. Because of this shift, I regularly think about and ‘crave’ her cock in my ass more regularly. Her goal is to train me to orgasm from anal penetration alone, which she says is possible once I’m able to fully relax and focus on the experience. Because an anal orgasm doesn’t involve an ejaculation, it won’t affect any restrictions placed upon me through chastity.
Have other subs or Dommes noticed similar changes? One change I have noticed is that I’m unable to remain erect while being pegged. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still very enjoyable. I just lose my erection while being penetrated. Not sure if this is something others have experienced?
@IncardineArt. Don’t be disappointed at losing your erection. It’s very common. It happens to my sub 100% of the time (and every other sub I’ve ever played with). I’m not sure why this is. There could be some physiological basis for it, or it could just be a mental shift away from the erogenous zones in your cock to those in your ass? Maintaining an erection shouldn’t be a concern of yours while being pegged. What matters most is that you learn to fully enjoy it and keep your wife/Mistress happy 😉
Pegging is something that comes with deep potential for personal growth and really hot sex. It allows a sub to experience amazing pleasure and intense arousal without penile stimulation. This allows him to ride the waves of sexual energy without any risk for ejaculation. You are essentially changing his pleasure area. He will learn to transfer all the pleasure he desires from penile stimulation to anal stimulation. For many men in chastity, this becomes a primary source of stimulation that can provide them with great satisfaction without the risk of ejaculation. A sub can eventually be trained to orgasm from anal penetration as mine has. It requires 100% mental comfort on their part to do so.