Real Women for Long Term Female Led Relationships
Once I started taking male chastity serious the results were enough to convince me that this could no longer be a game of fantasy that we played on a part time basis. I quickly realized that this was the reality that I wanted and I could no longer settle for what had become a mostly traditional marriage. It was a Friday night when I told Gary that chastity would be becoming a full time part of our marriage. I could tell he was stunned and a bit fearful. His hesitation, while annoying, was expected. He countered that maybe we could gradually increase our chastity play and over time see how it was working for us, and then come to some mutually agreeable compromise. I laughed in his face at his naivety before adopting a serious tone again. I replied that this wasn’t a negotiation and that I in fact had already made the decision. His only options were to cooperate or face divorce. What was it going to be? His silence spoke volumes and before he could answer I firmly demanded that he stand up and remove his shorts. My tone was serious and confident. Without speaking he complied. two minutes later the click of the lock formally changed our marriage forever.
Check out the complete guide to Male Chasity in a FLR
This was over a year ago, and while there have been some bumps in the road, the decision to take permanent control over his most prized possession was the best decision I’ve ever made. I now wear one key on my ankle and keep the spare at my office. His releases are brief and at my sole discretion. In essence he has become the housewife giving me the free time to socialize with the girls at happy hours and spend more time at the gym without having to worry about getting home in time to clean house, do my laundry, or prepare dinner. His ability and willingness to provide me oral pleasure improved 500%. While some call this “enforced chastity”, it is important to remember that he was given the option of exiting the marriage. Something I was fully prepared to do. I am thankful that he chose to accept his new role along with the realization that he is no longer my equal. He occasionally asks me if I think we will ever go back to a “normal” marriage in which I reply this is normal. This is the new Modern Marriage.