What Makes A Real Man?: Masculinity & Male Chastity

This has become a popular discussion on my radar lately, and I’m curious to spark a discussion and hear from others. From the outside world (and to those who are foreign to it) male chastity as it pertains to a D/s relationship…is often viewed as an odd and cruel dynamic in a relationship. They struggle to understand why a man would willingly hand over control of his penis. this is often viewed as being un-masculine and that it would make a guy less of a man for doing so… that he lacks masculinity or that it diminishes his masculinity. The only other time such an idea is prevalent in the ‘vanilla’ world is when a man doesn’t maintain his self identity in a relationship and loses his ‘balls’ to his spouse.

First and foremost, my opinion is that these two things are completely different from one another. When a man ‘loses his balls’ in his relationship it often is reflective of a man that no longer has his own self identity, doesn’t stand up for himself and is often controlled by an over bearing spouse. Often being called ‘pussy whipped’ these types are heckled by their male peers for having sold out on the testicle crew and trading ones balls in for a shiny ‘Mangina’… However this is perceived… this has nothing to do with the idea of male chastity.

My opinion is that male chastity is the elective decision for a man to enter into a relationship with a female dominant, and for him to DEVOTE himself to the relationship unconditionally. At first glance it would seem that a man handing over his ‘manhood’ would make him well… less of a man right? Afterall, he handed the goods over… However, it actually takes more of a man and a human being with a higher understanding to devote themselves to such a dynamic.

Think about it, as humans our primitive state of mind, our urges and our desires make us slave to these animalistic ‘needs’ in our lives…and it forces us as humans to remain self serving and selfish. Only after we have secured these ‘needs’ we will ration out ourselves to those around us and to help fulfill their needs. A man who falls prey to his penis, is someone who is a slave to his dick and it’s urges. A man who is unwilling to part with this selfish cycle and relationship he has with his penis is less of a man than the one who is willing to forego his own feedings for that of his female spouses.

Once a human being makes the decision to remove themselves from that primitive slave cycle, they automatically have made it to the next stage of a higher understanding and become more of a superior being…

What makes a real man? A man who opts to forego an orgasm and understands that this energy can better be served by being placed into the relationship. How do women define a real man? Someone who is willing to put his female spouse first and foremost …and above and before his dick. A man that is willing to place a woman before his dick is someone who inhabits more masculinity than any other man who refuses to part with his dick. Furthermore, he also has more masculinity because testosterone defines masculinity… and quite frankly a backed up man will always have more ‘masculinity’ flowing through his body at any given time over someone who selfishly runs around with his dick in his hand all day long.

The problem is that society interprets ‘male ego’ as masculinity. A man that acts machismo and says ‘no woman is going to lock my cock up’ may have a shit load of male ego but not masculinity. Many in the outside world may view a chastised male as being less of a man…but all these people lack is an open mind or a desire to grow past the tip of their dicks.

As a dominant female and someone who studies behavioral psychology and human sexuality… I will say this… A man who is willing to enter into a submissive dynamic and detach himself from his male ego and ‘perceived masculinity’ is the most attractive, desirable and masculine type of man around.

So to all the subs who often find themselves in a moment of uncertainty, or challenged by society’s depiction of masculinity… just know that real women… like the powerful beautiful women in this world who have the guts to embrace their sexuality and own it… to us… such a man is the truest, realist and most masculine around. Remember ‘physicalities’ don’t always determine penile size and sometimes a closed minded shitty male ego makes one a true small dick mother fucker who lacks masculinity.


(The following is an insightful piece written by Tumbelina, a lady who is very much a converted chastity advocate)

(The following is an insightful piece written by Tumbelina, a lady who is very much a converted chastity advocate)

The funny thing is that the sight of a cock lock and the idea of male chastity, would make even the most open minded vanilla person cringe. Most view this concept as a twisted fetish, very one sided by way of benefits for a woman, and as being cruel to endure on a man’s part.

However, what many fail to see is that Mother Nature by default causes an imbalance in relationships between a man and a woman. Women are at a disadvantage, and by design the male sex libido prevents a man from fully investing in a relationship to the extent a woman does. He is unable to do so, because he requires a part of himself to be reserved for his own sexual needs and his impulsive self gratification cycle. This cycle in itself, comes with chemical changes in the body, of which cause a diminished level of investment on his part.

If more vanilla people knew this, women would be running out and buying cock locks like they did back when they lost their minds over 50 Shades of Grey. Vanilla men don’t want women to catch on to this, as their relationships would cause them to divorce their dicks or risk divorcing their wives.

How does male chastity benefit an everyday normal relationship outside of sexual? The biggest benefit is the side effects and resulting symptoms of abstinence from masturbation, that lend themselves as positives to the relationship.
Men may not see these as positive benefits, but the fact that it provides for true will power and it refines a man’s behavioral psyche…

You see, the process of masturbation involves a mental compulsion, that prompts a physical sexual impulsiveness… It’s actually a very primal behavior and equivalent to the level of an animalistic mentality. Altering the course of this cycle produces more refined and sophisticated human behaviors. It allows for a transferring of resources to the emotional part of the brain, and it prompts a man to seek out fulfillment on a deeper level. It essentially bypasses the dick drain distraction, and allows for the brain to become more aware of its surroundings. It’s almost like turning down the blaring stereo music, and finally realizing that hey ‘listen, I hear birds chirping outside!’… A sound that went unrecognized when the self serving dick rock concert played on infinite repeat lol…

The biggest benefactor that not many people realize?

Male masturbation creates an emotional barrier in relationships and allows a man to remain somewhat disconnected in a very self sufficient and self serving way. Chastity helps remove this barrier and causes a man to have a deeply rooted dependency for his spouse. With masturbation, a man’s emotional offerings are at a level that’s considered sufficient for a male, but insufficient on a female level. Chastity ups a man’s offerings to the level a female requires in order to feel ultimate fulfillment. The very reason why women are known as naggers, always wanting more… ‘It’s never good enough’ is because of the masturbation barrier… If this was not a factor, women would not be associated with these undesirable traits because we’d be much more content. Women wouldn’t feel the need to ‘fight for their food’ and look to secure their emotional meals.

These female feedings do not exclude sex! Chastity forces a man to become truly invested in her pleasures. Men are naturally known to be pleasers in bed… Many men I’ve known have had the mentality ‘I’ll make you come and when you’re done I’ll come’… That’s a considerate male… At best… Understand that this mentality is STILL SELF SERVING on a man’s part! He requires this to stroke his ego. A man needs to feel as though he’s taken care of business, and then gotten his too by getting physical gratification. Once again, it’s double feedings for his needs, and most often she’s faking the orgasms to help stroke him even more. Our emotional ego is tied into our sexual one, whether we’re having sex or saying ‘I love you’ our core needs are being nurtured. This is why a woman is at a disadvantage as she loses out overall.

Masturbation in a relationship is selfish and self serving on a man’s part… Chastity allows for balance and is a selfless act that a man should be willing to embrace if he truly loves his spouse and wants her to find ultimate fulfillment and happiness. When it comes to a woman’s emotional needs, her cup is never full if masturbation is a factor. Chastity increases a man’s tolerance and it neutralizes his male aggressiveness… It also satisfies a woman to the extent that it neutralizes her excessive needs and the feeling that she has to chase down her emotional and sexual meals… There would be a lot more successful relationships and happier couples if the masturbation barrier didn’t exist.

Think about this for a moment…

Sex means the most to a man (as it ties to his emotional ego) and emotional fulfillment means the most to a woman (as it ties to her sexuality) … As a man, Imagine what it would be like if your sex life lacked fulfillment? Your spouse could never quite deliver the quality of sex that makes you feel content… And it was always just ok and sufficient cause there’s no other option… But deep down you know it could be better? This is the exact situation a woman encounters in a relationship, when it comes to her emotional needs. Her emotional fulfillment threshold is at a female level, yet his offerings are limited to the male threshold that he himself finds sufficient… And it’s due to the energy he must reserve for the personal relationship he has with his penis. Men always have this expectation that it’s a woman’s duty to deliver the goods and take care of a man’s needs, if she expects him to stay invested and not stray… Yet a woman is expected to stay equally invested regardless of the level of emotional fulfillment….

He still gets to have his self serving sexual gratification cycle on the side and offer only the left over energy and resources available… While she remains fully invested at all times. The reality is even if a woman engages in masturbation, it does not have the same chemical effects to her female brain and body, and she is able to maintain full investment in the relationship.

Kind of a double standard don’t you think? If a man has those expectations of a woman, he should be willing to hand over all of his sexual/emotional energy and invest it ALL into the relationship. Lastly, the reason why men are viewed as more independent than women is because they have the ability to fully satisfy their most primary need (being sex) all on their own. The idea that they need not depend on a woman for the one thing they cannot live without.

Women on the other hand, are incapable of serving their most primary need (being emotional) without the help of their male spouse. He holds the key to her ultimate fulfillment, and he also holds the key to his own ultimate fulfillment. This is why men have the upper hand as being the more dominant sex. Yes, women are a male weakness… But it’s a desire not a need. Chastity equalizes that all…. As long as men have access to masturbation, they never truly have both feet invested in a relationship and to the point of dependency. Chastity evens out the playing field and allows for a fair game with no one side having an upper advantage over the other.

In a man’s defense, he cannot be faulted for this… As he himself has no control over the male sex brains compulsions and resulting impulsive behaviors. However, a man does have control over the choices he makes to help bypass and remedy this cycle. Making the ultimate sacrifice that allows him to become fully invested in the relationship.

Male chastity is not one sided and ‘cruel’… it’s an added rider that one smart woman places on the relationship, and one selfless man willingly accepts, that helps make for two equal sides. It teaches a man how to seek out and enjoy sexual fulfillment from his spouse and in other forms. Male chastity is the key (and lock) to the ultimate relationship.

Stay strong in 2017

This was sent to me by a reader almost a year ago. I’ve lost his/her contact info, or I would credit them, but this image has always remained one of my favorites. This device fits him well. I believe when shopping for a long term chastity device, this is the fit you should be looking for. 


Her foot, while relaxed on his limp useless cock, is a demonstration of her control. Her dominance. Her liberation. 

This is indeed a modern relationship that more and more couples are embracing. Accept this as the new norm. A growing number of women are enjoying the benefits of a Female Led Relationship, which I believe starts with Male Chastity

Make it happen

As we say goodbye to 2017 and usher in a new year, there is no better time to to make fantasy reality. You’ve undoubtedly experimented and toyed with the idea of male chastity and have hopefully realized some of the benefits it brings. Now is the time to make it a real full time part of your relationship. I’ve mentioned before how chastity and orgasm control are the cornerstones top a successful Female Led Relationship. Join the thousands of other women who have turned fantasy play and part time fun, into a full time, permanent lifestyle. You’ve delayed it enough. Make the decision to change both of your lives for the better.

If you’re serious about making this happen, lock the cock tonight before the New Year begins. As you usher 2017 in he should be locked, shaved (if you prefer that, it sure helps him be more comfortable), and pantied. Put the key around your neck. Or on an anklet. As the ball drops and you have your first kiss of 2017 – you are doing so knowing that 2017 has the potential to be the year that roles are defined permanently. This can be a significant moment for both of you. A turning point. And if you are serious – there will be no going back. His submission to you will move from part time to permanent, Control of his cock is no longer an option for him. Make the decision. He should not even be able to achieve an erection, without your consent.


Make sure you are both aware of the significance of that first New Year kiss and the few lingering moments as reality settles in. Fondle your key. Reinforce what he already knows. Be prepared for some difficult conversations. Some whining. Some complaints of pain or irritation. These are all obstacles that can and will be overcome. Celebrate his first 24 hours in chastity. It is truly a landmark occasion. Then his first week a huge achievement. A milestone indeed. Decide how often you want to permit an erection. What about an orgasm? Weekly? Monthly? Keep notes on his progress. You’ll soon learn when that sweet spot is. When does his submission to you max out? 

For most healthy and sexually active men, a monthly orgasm is reasonable. This doesn’t mean he can’t be released more often, but from here on out, those are your decisions, not his. 

Toss out or lock up any male underwear that he still may have. Watch his expression, his body language,his attitude as reality sets in for him. Explore and be aware of your own feelings. The feeling of power, authority, liberation. Be cognizant of the new spark in your relationship. Observe how the bond strengthens with each day. His love and admiration for you will grow, as will yours for him. 


If you choose it to be, 2017 can be the year that all your wishes come true and you begin to mold your relationship into one you and thousand of other women have dreamed of. 

I wish you all a very happy New Years!

From Fetlife user kbangz

“Since I can’t join you for the party this Saturday evening, I want you to be wearing your chastity cock cage out. I am also disappointed you didn’t wear one of the thongs we got you today – I wanted you leaking precum in them while you were at work!” K randomly mentioned.

K is amazing and the things she says and does work on so many levels. Since 24/7 chastity is not realistic, we have found her choice for me in underwear can serve the same purpose. I found the article below helpful but the summary is here:

Submissive males crave control. They want you to run the show. By taking control of his penis and his orgasms it gives him a sense of purpose. Chastity is the first step in control. Control a man’s penis, you control the man and because we all know that sexuality and fetishes are 99% mental, the visual of his Goddess/Wife/Domme wearing the key to his device around her neck is a strong reminder of why this is being done in the first place. His whole world should be his mistress.

Male chastity is quickly becoming a very good way in which to train the focus of a submissive male. As we all know most men are somewhat obsessed with their penises. Not their fault really, it’s something they learn from a very young age. However it can be detrimental when it comes to keeping their focus on what’s most important….their mistress!

When men get sexually stimulated by any of their senses the automatic response is for them to touch themselves, one, because it feels good, and two because it has become a mindless reaction. Stimulation = dick. While that’s not a bad thing and I don’t want to give the impression that touching yourself is evil, when it comes to the training and reinforcing of the male submissive mind though, it’s a huge stumbling block.

A chastity device is primarily used to train a subs’ focus. By using a device, it stops the automatic response of touching and subsequently stimulation and relief. For example, a man gets sexually stimulated by seeing a beautiful woman on the television he goes to touch himself and clunk, hits the device and can’t follow through. It’s a type of cognitive behavioral therapy. When this is reinforced with the visual stimulation you want him to have it begins to turn his focus from outside stimulus to where it should be, on his mistress.

That’s the main premise of using a male chastity device but it goes even deeper than that. Submissive males crave control. They want you to run the show. By taking control of his penis and his orgasms it gives him a sense of purpose. Chastity is the first step in control. Control a man’s penis, you control the man and because we all know that sexuality and fetishes are 99% mental, the visual of his Goddess/Wife/Domme wearing the key to his device around her neck is a strong reminder of why this is being done in the first place. His whole world should be his mistress.

Is male chastity a necessity? I would have to say yes, if your ultimate goal is get your sub to stop concentrating on his pleasure and start zeroing in on yours

benefits of cuckold in chastity

Found this blog post on Fetlife:

I realize I have been rather needy in the attention department, but I want to solely focus on my Queen.

The Cuckold Has More Time to Get Things Done

A cuckold loves that his wife fucks other men. It turns him on like nothing ever has, which is why he suggested that his wife begin having sex outside the marriage in the first place. A cuckold can’t help but masturbate when she’s on dates, getting fucked in hotel rooms, having a quickie in the marital bed, and whenever she’s out of the house. To be a cuckold is to be in a constant state of arousal at the thought of another man inside his wife. That also means he wastes a great deal of time stroking his penis and being placed in chastity frees up all of that time. He may find upwards of a dozen hours added to his week that can be used for more productive tasks.

A Keyholder Keeps Her Cuckold Constantly Aroused

Those unfamiliar with the cuckold chastity lifestyle often assume that once the cock is locked away the wife does nothing with it, but that’s simply untrue. She gains control of the cuckold’s orgasms once she becomes his keyholder and thus she gains complete control of him. However, the only way she maintains that control is by keeping her cuckold aroused. It’s a key part of putting a cuckold in chastity and it’s equally delightful and painful for her husband. Each day, and sometimes all day long, the cuck is teased with sensual touching, his wife flaunting her scantily clad body around the house, and more. She might give him edging handjobs before putting him back in chastity or whisper into his ear about how she’s going to fuck another man in just a few hours and he’s going to cum in her pussy. To be chastised is a dream come true for a cuck husband.

A Chastised Cuckold Focuses on His Keyholder’s Pleasure

Service to others provides the greatest satisfaction in life and a cuckold in chastity learns this lesson quickly. After just a short time with his cock locked up he becomes devoted to his wife and finds immense pleasure in seeing to her needs. That can mean foot massages, cooking dinner, drawing baths and washing her as she soaks in the warm water, or worshipping her pussy constantly as she now feels free to be concerned only for her pleasure.

Chastity Makes for a Truly Happy Cuckold Marriage

Every cuckold couple that begins a chastity practice reports a much happier marriage. This is because both members of the marriage find far greater satisfaction with their roles so clearly defined. The cuckold, who is naturally submissive, delights in being of service to his wife’s every need and she delights in taking control and having her husband so focused on her needs. At the same time, she better understands his need to submit and to see her have sex with other people and she concentrates her efforts on better giving him what he wants. Like any good relationship, both parties get exactly what they want even if it seems imbalanced from the outside. Both the chastised cuckold and his wife are in tune with each other’s needs and work exceptionally hard to meet them, creating a stronger, more beautiful union between them.



Most agree that a man who practices chastity is expressing profound respect for his girl.  It is not easy for him to start or endure.

1. It prevents him from masturbating. Male masturbation is a filthy habit. It’s addictive, selfish, and disrespectful to women. Chronic masturbation has the effect of substantially diminishing a man’s natural sexual desire for his wife of girlfriend. It unfortunately teaches him that his orgasm is primary, and hers is secondary.

2. Because he can’t even get an erection without her permission, it instantly changes the dynamics of the relationship.

3. It keeps his sexual focus and energy on his wife or girlfriend.

4. He will invest in bling, sex toys, whatever he can think of that will turn you on.

5. It helps prepares him for the eventuality of anal penetration, and getting the strap-on. Because his penis isn’t being sexually stimulated, it has the effect of gradually turning other parts of his body into erogenous zones, particularly his anus and his prostate. With patience and persistence, he can be trained to orgasm from stimulation in that region via your finger, or the strap-on.

6. If he’s never been an ass-eater, after having his penis locked up for a few weeks, he will be.

7. It serves as a constant reminder to him of her authority.  His submission is deepened and if she plays it right he will worship the ground she walks on.

8. Because it makes his orgasms entirely dependent on her generosity, it forces him him to honor her, respect her, and motivates him to please.

9. It gives him the time and opportunity to substantially improve and perfect his oral skills.  And her a chance to learn what she really likes.  

10. It reinforces the idea that pussy is a precious gift that must be earned, and is to be savored and appreciated on those rare occasions when he does get it.

11. It teaches him that sexual activity with his wife or girlfriend doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with his penis.

12. It will significantly improve his attitude, and make him more generous, caring, kind, respectful, and loving. It will help soften the sharper edges of his me-first masculinity. It will make him more of a listener than a talker.

13. if his orgasms are consistently controlled and severely restricted, he will eventually get to the point where he will do just about anything to cum. You’ll be amazed by what he’ll do for you.



Chastity belt training reviewed

1. You are not punishing your man – you are protecting him from his perfectly normal lack of self-control.

2. You are not denying him sexual pleasure. In fact, when you do release him from his male chastity belt, sex will feel better for him and his orgasms will become much more intense.

3. You are not denying yourself the sex life you deserve. While he’s locked up he’ll use his mouth and fingers to provide you with sexual satisfaction on a regular basis. And, there are ways that you have satisfying penetrative sex while he is still under lock and key.

4. Men will try to claim they need to have regular orgasms to stay healthy. This simply isn’t true. They do need to have ejaculations every so often; but you can make this happen in a matter of minutes without him getting an erection or having an orgasm.

5. Hundreds of thousands of married couples are in the male chastity lifestyle. It’s not kinky. In fact, the odds are that several of your friends already have their husband’s crown jewels locked away.

6. When done correctly, your man will feel more loved by you than he did before male chastity became a part of your life. In fact, most men eventually thank their wives for insisting on the lifestyle.

7. While at first you’ll only keep him locked up for a few days at a time, eventually he should be restricted to eight to 12 orgasms a year. This is more than enough.

8. Over time he’ll start to feel like more of a man, because he’ll know that all of his sexual energy is going towards pleasing you. He’ll like the fact that he no longer feels like a little boy who can’t help but play with his little pee-pee when you are not looking. Instead, he will be saving himself for you!

Good reading…

The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Fun and Exciting Male Chastity Lifestyle

The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Fun and Exciting Male Chastity Lifestyle

Nine times out of ten, or maybe 99 times out of 100, it is the man who
brings up the idea of male chastity and his fantasy of being denied.

The woman’s reaction will vary…. from complete disgust…. to obvious
disinterest…. maybe mild curiosity…. all the way to emphatic embracement.

No wonder it can be nerve wracking for a guy to broach the subject of male
chastity to his partner.

Her reaction will make or break his day!

Keep in mind that he would not have brought it up if it wasn’t important to
him, so it’s a good idea for the woman to keep her wits (if she possibly can!) and
carefully consider her initial reaction.

The smart approach is to calm down, collect her feelings and then suggest a
time for a lengthy sit-down discussion.

A short ‘on-the-spot’ superficial little chat will NOT do the subject of male
chastity proper justice!

Scheduling the discussion for later will buy her some time to not only
reflect on his desires, but allow some time to do some preliminary research
into male chastity, so she has a better idea as to what she’s dealing with.

During the sit-down discussion, it’s best to let him do most of the talking
while she encourages him to bare his deepest and darkest secrets.

Listening and asking questions will give her some valuable insights into what is
actually going on here.

Her final question to him should be….

WIIFM…. (what’s in it for ME!)

She should listen to his answer VERY carefully as it will help her out later.

Time For Some R&R

No, not rest and relaxation. If you’re a woman that chooses to embrace a male
chastity lifestyle, there will be plenty of opportunity for that later on.

R&R in this case stands for ‘research’ and ‘reflection’.

This 2nd step to living a male chastity lifestyle is all about the woman
doing her due diligence, rolling up her sexy silk sleeves, and doing some
research as to what makes her man ‘tick’.

The more she can get inside his head and find out what he really wants and
needs, the better this lifestyle will work for both them.

A little investigation into the mind of the man who craves being put into a
chastity device and denied will reveal something very important to the woman.

She needs to realize that if she doesn’t have a mean streak in her now, it
will serve her (and him) well to allow the cruel side of herself to blossom.

In order to deal with all of the bullshit that will soon be coming forth from
him, it will be mandatory for her to be (at times), tough minded, mean and yes….

…. even somewhat of a bitch.

While her research will enlighten her to all of his male chastity fantasies,
she will need to adopt a tough-minded attitude in order to effectively use those
fantasies to her benefit.

Now for the 2nd part of the R&R…. reflection.

It’s time for her to reflect on his answers to WIIFM.

He undoubtedly gave her some excellent ideas as to what she will get out of
the tedious task of training him to be locked away in male chastity.

But his ideas are just a start. What about HER deepest and darkest desires?

How will she benefit from this arrangement?

She should take some serious time to reflect on this as it will come in handy

She Makes the Rules!

Now we’re getting to the fun part…. where she gets to make up the rules.

Okay…. You’ve had your sit-down with each other.

She’s finished with her research assignment.

Now it’s time to make up the rules as to how you’re going to play the male
chastity game.

Although he’s got plenty of ideas of his own for ‘rules’ as to how he would like all of
this to play out, in order for a male chastity lifestyle to work seamlessly over
the long term….

…. there can really only be one rule-maker.


It’s just the best way to make this male chastity thing work.

In coming up with a set of rules, she will of course take into consideration
his male chastity fantasies that he revealed to her during their initial

She will also factor in the information she uncovered during the research phase.

The reflection time she spent on sorting out her fantasies and desires will
also play a major part in making up an appropriate set of rules.

But the first rule of male chastity and the most important is this one….

Every subsequent rule made by her is to be
followed explicitly and directly by him with Absolutely no questions asked or allowed.

If he can’t deal with this over-riding theme of Female Supremacy, FemDom, FLR,
D/s, Female Keyholder or whatever you prefer to call it, then she simply refuses to be involved
any further and expects no further mention by him of male chastity.

It’s imperative that she holds ALL of the cards for this game to work.

There can be absolutely no exceptions, wiggle room, backsliding,
second-guessing or topping from the bottom.

None of that bullshit!

This ONE rule firmly and succinctly sets the tone and direction for a fulfilling, fun
and exciting male chastity experience.

From then on, she makes as many or as few rules as she wants. She can add,
delete, change or modify any rule, anytime at her whim…. with no prior notice.

If she’s in a benevolent mood, she can even entertain suggestions from him as
to the nature of the rules.

This predominant position puts her in a place of prodigious power.

And this level of power will pay off in BIG benefits.

Time For Lockdown Mode

There are many factors you should consider when looking to buy a male chastity device.

» Type: chastity cage or belt?
» Material: plastic, leather or metal?
» Security: used with a piercing or without
» Custom made to order or off the shelf?
» Price?
» Manufacturer: reliable customer support

Let’s go over these considerations, one-by-one.

If this will be your first chastity device, it’s best to stick with a cage
type. Chastity belts are very secure and look sexy but they do have their drawbacks.

They are usually custom made so will take longer to receive, plus they are on
the expensive side. A chastity belt can also be harder to hide under certain types of clothing.

As far as material, leather looks sexy but is not very secure (it can be cut
easily) and is not particularly hygienic.

Metal is definitely sexy looking and usually quite secure. But devices made
from metal are obviously heavier, harder to get used to, and pose a problem with airport security.

Plastic is the way to go when first starting out.

Most chastity cages, whether made from metal or plastic are pretty damn
secure! Although there are men who can finagle their way out of them, my
experience has been that when properly fitted, they won’t be coming off without a key.

For added security, many modern chastity devices can be used with or without a penis piercing.

Custom made chastity cages are typically of the belt variety or made from
metal. Like I mentioned above, they are usually expensive and can take quite a
while to receive. Also, initial measurements are critical to achieve a good fit.

Off the shelf chastity devices come with different sizes of rings and spacers
that will ensure a good fit. It is usually necessary to experiment with
different combinations of spacers and rings to come up with a comfortable fitting device.

As far as price goes, an off the shelf, plastic chastity cage such as the
very popular CB-6000, while not cheap, is well within the budget of most.

You can find cheaper, Chinese knock-offs on Amazon but the quality is NOT
to be trusted…. they crack and break a lot.

On the other hand, custom chastity devices can get quite expensive and are
best left for when your chastity lifestyle has been allowed to season a bit.

Male chastity is becoming more popular all the time which brings more
designers and manufactures into the arena with new and innovative products.

These manufacturers can come and go like the wind so it’s always wise to pick
a chastity device made by  a company who has been around for awhile in case
you need customer support or replacement parts and accessories.

There is a reason devices like the CB-6000 are so popular.

It’s affordable, secure, comfortable and hygienic!

You can find a CB-6000,
right here.

Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as ordering a male chastity device, locking
him up and embarking on a fun and exciting male chastity lifestyle.

There is a critical process that must be carefully navigated before the mayhem can begin.

This is what you’ve been waiting for? Your male chastity device has arrived
and you cannot wait to get started.

Break Him in…. Slowly but Surely

Whoa boy (or girl). Take a deep breath, relax and read what I have to say on this matter.

Before wildly embarking on this male chastity adventure it’s necessary for an
adjustment period….

…. a physical and emotional one. He needs to be slowly but surely, ‘broken in’.

First, take a little time and make sure you get a good fit, not too tight, not too loose, but just right.

Once that’s done, lock him up for 24 straight hours.

After a day, you’ll both have a good idea as to how things are fitting down
there. A little initial discomfort along with some minor pinching is to be expected.

No big deal, at least not for the keyholder anyway.

Any major discomfort can now be dealt with at this time. A larger ring, a
different sized spacer, shaving the genitals, applying lotion.

Now go for another 24 hours. If everything is hunky-dory (aside from the
minor chafing, pinching, etc.) then it’s time to go for 72 continuous hours
(Yes, 3 full DAYS!) in lock-down mode.

He will now be getting used to and/or moving beyond any minor discomfort.

He will soon find it more practical to sit down on the toilet and pee like a girl.

He will get used to the feeling of not being able to touch his dick.

He will begin to experience a yearning feeling deep inside his balls (as well
as his mind) that comes with sexual denial.

The next phase is to remove the chastity cage, re-shave, re-lube, re-adjust
rings and spacers and lock him back up for seven straight days!

This is the phase where any final physical adaptations will take place and
more importantly, where the psychological process begins.

This is where the fantasy begins to morph into reality.

He now will be getting what he asked for and begins the transformation from a macho
man to a compliant and devoted husband or boyfriend.

Seven continuous days of no whining, complaining or cumming marks the point when
your relationship is ready to take on a new level of meaning.

It’s now time to make a very BIG decision!

Now that he’s adapted, both physically and mentally, to being locked up for
seven straight days, he’s proven that he can ‘handle’ things.

The BIG Decision

In order to set the proper ‘tone’ of how the relationship is to eventually
evolve, a mandatory (and lengthy) lock-up and denial period will have to be
agreed upon and then strictly enforced.

This ‘conditioning phase’ is necessary so that both partners are fully
committed to the idea that male chastity is no longer just a fantasy or a mere
game, but a lifestyle decision to be taken seriously.

This ‘lock-down’ phase should be anywhere from a month (bare minimum), to a
full year. Three months seems to be the ‘sweet spot’ for most couples.

This may sound like ‘harsh’ treatment but is absolutely necessary in order to
instill the proper mindset in the male.

This lengthy stretch of total denial will also empower her to be tough-minded
during some tough times.

She will also use this time to thoroughly train him to sexually please her
without the use of his now caged-up cock.

He will become adept at transmuting his feelings of frustration and denial
into the satisfaction of providing for her needs and desires.

During this training period, it’s wise to tease him un-mercifully in
conjunction with verbal humiliation and an occasional whipping session, if she’s into that.

Nothing can approach the emotional intensity of her being licked to
orgasm-after-orgasm by a locked-up and denied male right after he’s being
worked over with a riding crop.

At the end of the ‘conditioning phase’, she will have elevated herself to a
position of complete control and power while he….

…. will have learned to happily (for the most part) take on the role of a subservient sexual slave.

At the end of this period of lock-down and denial, his input into matters will no longer be necessary.

She may ask for his thoughts, but it’s now all about her! She makes all the
rules and he simply answers, “yes Dear”.

His ‘Cumming Out’ Party

He is now perfectly primed and positioned for his first release in quite some time.

It’s been soooo long since he’s experienced an orgasm. Perhaps maybe a wet
dream, but that doesn’t really count now, does it?

A firm benchmark has now been established within the relationship.

He’s proven (with her help) that he can endure a long period of sexual
denial, all the while attending to her ever escalating sexual desires.

Denying a man while you are free to experience sexual ecstasy is
an incredible turn-on and power rush for a woman.

She, on the other hand, has become capable of maintaining a disdainful
demeanor to his ‘predicament’ all the while providing him with the necessary
‘guidance’ (which can sometimes be cruel and humiliating) without flinching.

But now that he has ‘paid his penance’ and she had become sufficiently
empowered, it is time for her to decide on how his future orgasms will be ‘managed’.

The first area to consider is how often he should be allowed to cum.

Most women opt for a set time interval…. but it should never be more often than every two weeks!

Once per month is better. In my experience, once every two to three months is optimal.

Some keyholder’s choose to keep their men guessing; orgasms are allowed only at her whim, and he never knows when that might be.

That sounds quite cruel but some women get off on the look on a male’s face
when she leads him to believe that the time is near, only to change her mind at the very last minute.

This tactic is suitable for women who prefer to emotionally ‘break’ a man down
and render him
as a mere shell of his former self.

For most women, this is ‘over-the-top’ and they prefer to let their man hold onto a portion
of his self-dignity so that he can still function effectively out in the ‘real’ world.

And then there are women who prefer performance based or ‘earned’ orgasms.

An ejaculation can be conditional upon completing chores, performing tasks,
maintaining proper behavior standards, losing weight, hers-to-his orgasm ratios (100:1), chastity games, etc.

One important thing to remember; the time between orgasms can always be
extended because of ‘bad’ behavior on his part.

Once the woman has established a fair frequency for his orgasms, she must
then decide on HOW he will be achieving these rare (to him) ejaculations.

This is where things get incredibly fun but quite spicy and dicey.

We Now Know the WHEN…. What About the HOW?

Now it’s time to consider how he will be cumming. This is the fun part, especially for her.

After going through the ‘conditioning phase’ he has had plenty of time away
from regular intercourse. If she has a penchant for penetrative sex, a dildo or
a strap-on (for him) solves that issue.

She may decide that his days of fucking are over. No big deal for her
since she has the options above at her disposal.

Many women choose to deny the male the privilege of traditional intercourse as a matter of principle.

It is quite common for a woman holding the key to insist that any of his
orgasms are of the humiliating variety.

I have a friend who handcuffs her husband’s hands behind his back and then just tells him to go for it.

He inevitably winds up humping the hardwood floor in the kitchen, then meekly licks up his mess afterwards.

I’ve heard of one woman who has her man hump one of her girlfriend’s legs
while she hurls degrading insults his way.

Other women are particularly amused by, and have become masters of, the ruined orgasm.

One particularly cruel acquaintance of mine insists on performing an
emasculating prostrate milking in front of a girlfriend, boyfriend or sometimes both.

I’ve witnessed a pro-domme at a party order a man to polish a pretty girl’s high
heeled boot with his cum, followed by his tongue, while she whipped his ass from
behind with a riding crop.

My favorite? Instructing him to cum on her ass followed by a thorough tongue
clean up. Ummmm.

It can also be exciting to incorporate some sort of ‘dice’ or
‘spin-the-wheel’ type of game, leaving the matter of ‘if he gets to cum’ and the
manner in which he does it, up to pure chance.

You’re really only limited by your kinky and perverse imagination.

Now that you’ve both settled in and become comfortable with your personalized
version of a male chastity lifestyle, it’s time to reflect on an extremely important matter.

Once everything has been set-up properly within a male chastity lifestyle,
everything should now be smooth sailing.

Not So Fast

The reality of enforced male chastity typically does not measure up to the fantasy he
once had about it.

The fantasy was much more erotic than the stark reality of constant denial and
severely limited orgasms.

Now that he’s securely locked up, with no release on the horizon, second
thoughts on this course of events begin to haunt him.

But it’s a completely different story for her!

The reality of male chastity for the woman is much more powerful and
fulfilling than the initial fantasy ever was.

At first, it was about his fantasy. Now it’s all about her reality.

Now that she holds the key to his manhood and has the situation well under
control, she can’t understand why she was ever hesitant to begin this in the first place.

Sure, she has had to initially expend some major time, energy and effort with
all of the rule setting, conditioning, attention to detail, discipline and compliance issues.

To be honest, this is no small feat and is NOT for a weak willed woman!

But she will have emerged from the back-end of this process with
superior self-confidence and complete sexual liberation.

He, on the other hand, has relinquished his ability to orgasm, something so
importantly powerful that he can’t help but wonder if he has made the right choice.

He will, at some point, inevitably began to start ‘missing’ his frequent
orgasms, the ones he had become so addicted to for most of his adult life.

If she acquiesces to this inherent weakness that resides within most all
males, the lifestyle that they have expended so much effort to build, will began
to fold like a cheap lawn chair.

When the subject rears it’s ugly head, she will need to firmly put her high
heeled foot down and say NO!

There can be no going back. She is living the perfect, pampered life that she
deserves while he, for maybe the first time in his life, has found some real
peace, even though it’s of the frustrating variety.

If he continues to complain and have regrets about his situation (the one, by the way, he so
desperately lobbied for) she has several options, including but not limited to….

» institute a policy of permanent orgasm denial
» increase his chore/work load by 50%
» a severe cock caning or whipping session
» make an appointment to have his penis pierced
» discontinuance of all male chastity activities
» threaten to leave the relationship

Any unreasonable demands on his part should be firmly countered with strict
and swift consequences.

It’s really only matter of time when she will need to draw a bold line in the
sand and not put up with any questioning of her authority.

Consider this to be an honest and fair representation of possible ‘fall-out’
issues when embarking on a male chastity lifestyle.

Male Chastity is NOT For Every Couple

To successfully incorporate it within a relationship, both partners will need
to have the courage to move beyond traditional sexual and romantic roles that
are played out by most couples.

Social conditioning, as it pertains to relationships, is powerful stuff and can
lead to feelings of guilt, fear and inadequacy where none should ever exist.

Both men and women instinctively know who they are at a ‘gut’ level. Being in
tune with that inner knowledge and living your life exactly how you want,
results in true happiness and freedom.

If you’re a guy who is sick and tired of being in control all of the time,
then maybe it’s time to let go.

If you truly adore a woman and enjoy treating her like a Princess, elevating
her pleasure above yours, then go for it.

If you’re a woman who would like to see how it feels to ‘turn the tables’ and
be the one who wields the power in a relationship, why not give male chastity a try.

Freeing yourself from ALL household duties (or just the ones you dislike) while
experiencing exquisite sexual ecstasy, precisely the way you want it, when you
want it, cannot be adequately expressed in words.

A man that can provide all of that for her, and then some, will evoke emotions
that will reverberate all the way down to his inner core.

Training a male to accept his new life of being denied is a fun, frustrating
(at times), and extremely rewarding endeavor. You will need to get a chastity device
early on in the training process. You can find one right here.