As you can see, it’s fairly easy to replace a small white locked cock. Many women have said they miss the feeling of penetration from time to time and their men end up getting released more frequently then they should. problem solved!
Tag: femaleledrelationship
This was his first solid week locked in chastity and the results were amazing. Just like I’ve read. I’ve locked him up for short periods of time before, but this was our first trial period for extended lock up. We started on a Friday evening. The lock snapped shut at 8pm and the only key went around my neck, to be worn for the entire week. By Sunday night the effects began showing. Yes, there was some whining, begging, and general complaining. This was expected. When it got to be to much, I sternly told him to stop or we’d begin adding time. Those words did the the trick each time.
On Monday when he complained about the device pulling on his hairs, I removed it and trimmed most of his hair off, leaving only about ¼ inch. The device went back on right after the shaving. I loved the new “neater” look and thought to myself “this is how all small white cocks should look”. By Tuesday I began seeing a remarkable difference in his behavior and overall attitude. I came home from a long day at work and found all the household chores done. The vacuuming, the dishes, the dusting, almost everything.This was unheard of. It had only been 4 days and I was already loving the results.
We spent the entire evening watching TV while he rubbed my feet. We ended the evening with him lapping my pussy for ½ hour and bringing me to multiple over the top orgasms. This was a turning point for me. If I had ever had any doubt that locking up his cock was the right decision, those doubts were gone. All the articles and stories I read were dead on. I was ecstatic and already began plotting how I would make this “trial period” a permanent arrangement.
The rest of the week saw him submission deepen each and every day. On Wednesday he went to his underwear drawer and found all his boxers replaced with my own panties. With the confused look on his face I crept up behind him and reached around to cup his little locked cock in my hand, I whispered heavy in his ear:
“Honey, with your little cock neatly shaved and locked away, it looks so feminine, so I thought why not take the next step and keep you in panties for the rest of your trial period”
He hesitated only briefly before picking up beautiful green selection and stepping into them. My pussy immediately became moist. I don’t think I have ever been happier in our relationship. The road we were heading down was even better then I had fantasized. I turned him around and pulled out my phone to snap a picture. I wanted this moment saved for ever. He instinctively moved his hands in front of his crotch to cover his panty clad locked cock. In my new realm of female dominance I saw this as an act of disobedience that could not be tolerated. Without thinking I physically pushed him against the wall hard. The look on my face must have been pretty angry, because I recognized the fear in his eyes. I spoke firmly and deliberately:
“Listen to me you bitch! I own that cock and I own you. If you disrespect me like that again you’ll buy yourself another week in lock up. Is that clear?”
“Yes ma’am, I’m sorry” was his only reply.
I slapped his face hard. “Don’t forget who is charge here!”, i said as i fondled the key that hung from around my neck. I took the pics I wanted.
He meekly nodded in agreement. The lack of fight he put up was telling. HIs submission to my verbal and physical attack was feeding my already growing feelings of power and dominance. My emotions were running high and it felt like another milestone moment in our journey towards a Female Led Relationship was unfolding right before me.
I was caught in the moment. Already dressed for the office I quickly removed my pants and threw him on the bed. The events that had led up to this had my pussy sopping wet. I mean I had just slapped him in the face and called him a bitch, and he did nothing.
I mounted his face and began grinding out an orgasm. He didn’t resist. I don’t think he could have if he wanted to. My thighs were clamped around his head and my pussy was ravaging his face.
“You understand you’re my bitch now don’t you?”
“Yeth” all I could hear from under my hungry pussy.
I lifted up for only a second: “What are you to me”
“I’m your bitch” Came his immediate answer.
Perfect I though to myself. I finished and quickly for dressed again and headed off for work.
On my drive in I thought about the scene. First the humiliation he must have felt when I announced that he would be wearing women’s underwear from now on. Then the humbling emotion when I physically pushed him into the wall and slapped his face, before forcibly queening him. Then finally the pictures of his locked, shaved, and pantied cock. I imagine he feared what would happen with those? Who would I show them too?
At this point I knew that this is what I wanted. I wanted this trial period too become a permanent lifestlye. We would both be happier, it would improve our relationship and deepen our love for each other. Studies have shown this to be true and my own experiences reinforced this.
On Friday I spent most of the day at work reading more articles and guides on building a loving Female Led Relationship. Saturday morning, the time we had designated for his release, was coming up and I really didn’t want this to end. Why would I?
- I hadn’t had to do any housework all week. My bitch did it all
- I got waited on hand and foot at night
- Foot rubs and worshipping every night
- And all the oral sex a girl could handle.
It was perfect. If I unlocked him Saturday morning, I feared all the progress we made this week would be in vain, and we’d be starting at square one again. I just couldn’t allow that to happen. But I had given my word at the beginning that this would be a trial period. Of course I could just “Change my mind”, but what if I could make it his idea to continue?
Friday night is here and and my perfectly behaved caged man is at my side. All the housework done, pretty panties covering his weak little white dick. I’m wearing my tightest pajama bottom and stroking his cage, over the panties, and asking if he’s excited about it being removed tomorrow? Of course he is. I’m whispering in his ear how much I’ve enjoyed this week and how I feel we’ve made tremendous strides. His cock is straining against the cage. I tell him he can take of the panties. His cock is oozing with precum. I reach down and wipe a drop of with my finger. I raise my finger to his mouth and he obediently sucks it dry.
I tell him to get on his knees while I remove my pajama bottoms. Constantly reminding him that tomorrow is his big day. I lay back down on the couch, and much like the past week, ask him if he’d like to eat my pussy. Of course the answer is an exuberant “YES”. He begins to approach, but I stop him. “Maybe you should have to wait?”
I turned over and guide head to within inches of my ass. I let my cheeks brush his face and his lips. “How would you like to worship my ass instead?”.
“I’d really rather eat your pussy”
“That’s not an option tonight” I kept my tone friendly but decisive.
“If that’s my only choice then of course I want to worship your ass”
I should point out that in 4 years together, he has never properly worshipped my ass. I think most women who are not in a Female Led Relationship are missing out on this very pleasurable experience. Another reason to chastize your man and make him your bitch.
I brought his face to withing an inch of my ass before stoppng.
“If that’s your only choice? No, you have a much tougher choice to make now bitch. How bad do you want to worship this ass in your face?”
I was stroking his cage. Precum was furiously leaking out. I knew what the answer would be. He was in a frenzied state and would do or say anything.
“Please let me lick your ass”, he begged
Here was the moment of truth:
“Okay, I will let you do that, but in return you have to agree to go one more week in chastity. The choice is yours. You can say no and we’ll stop the teasing tonight and let you cum tomorrow as planned”
During this whole discussion his face was an inch from my ass. I felt each breath against my exposed cheeks.
“I’m sorry honey. I know this is a tough decision. I know how badly you want to lick my asshole, but you also have been waiting to cum tomorrow. You can only have one, what will it be?”
No immediate response. After a few seconds I said “You’ve got 10 seconds to decide”
HIs breath hastened. I began counting down. I got to five then I felt it. His lips on my asshole. Oh my god! I’m overwhelmed! A week ago there would be no chance of him ever eating my ass. Now he’s giving up an orgasm to do it!
“You know what this means honey?”
He murmured a yes as his tongue began exploring my ass.
“Oh baby, I’m very happy with the decision you’ve made. Look at how far we came, and now we have another week to go. I love you my bitch”
I was triumphant. He truly was my bitch and we were on our way to a fulltime FLR. I was true to my word. He didn’t get the privilege of eating my pussy that night, but all efforts were directing at pleasing my previously neglected ass. How humiliating. How degrading. How truly loving. How humbling. I lost track of time as I fell into and out of bliss.
A locked man truly will do anything.
I do have one regret about locking his cock up: THAT I DIDN”T DO IT YEARS AGO!
Better late then never
First let me credit for these two images.
This is the Bon4M chastity device. I can tell you it is top of line and designed for long time wear. Everyone knows that male orgasm control/denial is the cornerstone to a successful Female Led Relationship and when you are ready to get serious about pursuing the lifestyle, this is one of two devices I can heartily recommend based on our firsthand experience. Although pricey, it is well worth the investment. Made of 100% stainless steel, your boy will appreciate the comfort. Note how a rubber band or hair tie is used to secure the lock in case he is self conscious about the lock clanging on the steel.
The Bon series of chastity devices can be purchased here.
The all important key
If you are his keyholder, you want to keep him reminded of that fact as often as possible. A best practice it to openly wear the key around your neck or ankle whenever he is locked. Even out in public. Other keyholders may recognize his predicament and give you a knowing wink or grin, while those less in the know will simply see it as a fashion statement. Either way, your husband will be humbled every time he see it. See examples below, and please send me your pics!.

Shaving and emasculating a locked man
I believe it is imperative that a man in chastity should have his pubic hair trimmed. There are several reasons for this.
1 – His chastity device will be much more comfortable and easy to put on and take off, if pubic hair is trimmed. His whines of “it uncomfortable, it’s pulling my hair” will no longer be valid.
2 – Shaving a man’s pubic region will further emasculate him and keep his male ego in check.
I believe only women should have more pubic hair then their male. It stands as a sign of womanhood. Naked male genitals show a sign of surrender to the Female.
3 – Appearance. A properly groomed man is far more pleasing to the female eye.
See some examples below. Once you have your man locked up and all trimmed up it is strongly encouraged that you snap a picture. Hopefully you will share it with us! You can also use it to blackmail him if he starts getting on your nerves.
“Honey, I would really hate to have to show (insert a female friends name here) that pretty picture of your locked cock”
Enjoy, if this article has been helpful to you, please like and reblog

After months of talking about and threatening to put him in a chastity device, I finally pulled the trigger and ordered our first chastity device. This is something I had wanted for years and only recently had it become a topic of conversation. I became more and more insistent until I finally got to the point where I wouldn’t take no for an answer. I had gradually take more and more control in the bedroom, and eventually wore him down. It was a Friday night and I knew he was expecting sex. I knew this was the night and after a few cocktails I finally pulled out the device that had arrived days earlier. He had accepted that I wasn’t going to drop it and reluctantly agreed to a “trial period, which was fine with me. I wasn’t sure if this was something that we would pursue long term, but I knew it was something we had to try.
I got a bag of frozen peas out of the refrigerator and held it over his underwear, to his crotch until his penis became flaccid and shrank to a dimension that would fit into our new device. Having watched several video earlier in the week, I went to work. Using a little moisturizing lotion, I had his little cock and balls fully secured by the device. Excitement rushed through my body as I reached for the heart shaped padlock that came with the device. I pushed the lock through the appropriate hole. Before locking it, I looked him in the eyes and immediately recognized the fear in his face. I grinned at him and told him not to worry. This was how things were meant to be. I pressed down on the lock and heard a satisfying *CLICK*.
I had finally done it! I instantly felt a new level of confidence and power. While my ego and arrogance level shot to once unknown levels, his dropped to an all time low. I knew instantly that a power exchange has just occurred and it felt so right. I patted the device and then gave it a soft tug. It was secure. I was convinced that his imprisoned cock would not get free unless I unlocked it. He was helpless and I was now in total control. This is the way it should have always been! Why had I waited so long.
I set about reassuring him that “we” had made the right deicision. As the look of despair on his face grew, I began telling him how happy I was with this arrangement. He reminded me that this was only a “test” and I told him it was. He asked me what time we could remove the device and seemed shocked when I suggested that he wear it a week, so that we could get a good feel for it. He seemed astonished,
“honey, I thought we would just try it for an hour or so to see how we liked it”
I replied … “Don’t be silly honey. We can’t get any idea of how we like this arrangement if we don’t give it a chance, right?”
He hesitated then nodded his head. Perfect. I continued,
“What is the point in me locking up your little cock if we were only going to let it out as soon as you wanted? We’re going to shoot for a week like the website says and we’ll reassess then”
My tone was kind, but firm. I wasn’t allowing for any wiggle room and for the time being he accepted his fate. I told him to pour me a wine and hurry back to the couch. He quickly complied. When he came back, I was naked. He set my wine down beside me. I motioned for him to take a seat on the floor. I felt so liberated. I was in total control. And he was helpless. I felt unhibited. Brazenly, I raised my right foot to his face and simply pointed. He slowly leaned in towards my extended foot, and began kissing the bottoms of them, Soft little kisses. Normally acceptable, but not tonight. After all, thing were changing. They have changed. His meager little pecks were not enough. Not tonight and not anymore. His lazy kissing irritated me. It always had, but tonight it wasn’t going to fly. I hooked my other foot around his head and pulled his head forward, while roughly pushing my right foot into his face.
“Lick my foot like you want to cum” I barked.
Despite my size 7 sole pressed into his mouth, I saw the look of surprise on his face.
“Stick out your tongue!”
I slowly dragged my foot down his face. From heel to toes. He began licking and kissing in earnest. This is the way it should be, I thought to myself. His tongue circled each toe before moving on to the next. I sipped my wine while he paid way over due homage to both my feet.
Finally I pulled him towards my pussy. The activities of the night has me already wet as I guided him towards my cunt. I saw that his cock had swelled enough to fill the cage. That would be as hard as he would get. His oral game was on point tonight. Just like all the articles I read stated, he was performing better then ever. You see, when a man know he is not going to cum – when he knows sex is not for her pleasure, it is for yours, it takes the pressure off of him. He doesn’t have to worry about his cock or his orgasm. His efforts are focused only on pleasuring you.
My first orgasm came quickly. I pulled him in tighter and grinded my pussy hard into his face as I had my most intense orgasm in recent history. As I slowed, I allowed him to pull his head back. His face was glistening in my juices. He was red faced and out of breath. He looked like beaten man. I looked down at his locked cock, dangling limp and helpless between his legs.I pushed him onto his back and lowered my ass onto his face. He may have thought one orgasm would be enough, but my desires were not yet satisfied. He resumed his efforts and within minutes I was nearing my second orgasm. Suddenly I was fucking his face with reckless abandon and tugging on the plastic that caged his little cock. M womanhood was smothering him. As he struggled to breathe, I realized his world, his breath, his life, everything he was, was buried underneath my pussy and ass. He was helpess to do anything but feel the power of my sex.
“Take it honey – you little bitch!”
I exploded, then collapsed. He was still on his back panting. After a few minutes we sat up. I told him how good that was for me. His cock strained. I sat up and patted him on his wet cheek.
“That was everything I expected honey and everything I wanted. Hopefully we’ll be able to take your chastity device off next weeked”
“Hopefully”, he exclaimed.
“Not now honey – go do the dishes – NOW!” I snapped
He obeyed. This was only day one!
To be continued.
Male chastity
This is a great article on Male Chastity. I’d consider it required reading for aspiring keyholders.
Once you finally make the decision to trim his pubic hair and lock him up, it’s hard to imagine ever going back. The benefits are immediate.
Male chastity is at the core of every Female Led Relationship
Stocking stuffer ideas
The Holidays are here. I thought I would share some stocking stuffer ideas for all the lady readers. Ladies, if you see something you like, feel free to direct your man here. Links to each item are included in description.
How about buying her a new lock and a key suitable for wearing around her neck or on her anklet? This Heart shaped lock and decorative key set are fully functional and the key will compliment her sense of fashion and turn you on every time you see her wearing it around her neck.
This Sterling silver anklet with beautiful decorative lock and key charms will serve as a constant reminder that his cock is locked by you. It’s a great conversation starter too when in public situations.
If you prefer gold over silver, check here:
Secure plastic and numbered locks for his chastity device. For the times when he has to be unattended while locked, you can leave him locked with one of these, which he can cut off in case of emergency. You’ll track the number so you’ll know if it’s been removed. If it has, he better have a good reason
Many women are turning to temporary tattoos to wear on their nights out with the girls, or their locked cock. A strategically placed Queen of Spades tattoo will communicate your status as a cuckoldress, to those in the know.
How about a nice book that can be read by both him and her? This is one of my favorites, but there are many out there based on what stage of relationship you are in.
In the next few days I will be writing a post to assist with New Years Resolution for 2015! Let me know what yours are!